The highways and slip roads A195, A1231 and A 195 are cleaned of litter twice a year. Road closures have to be made through a legal process and advertised. This legal process costs £21,000 a year. The grass verge is cut at the same time. I have suggested that cameras are erected to capture number plates of cars. As owners can be prosecuted now if litter is dropped from their vehicle.
Fly tipping can be reported via the Council web site there is a tab report it the one for fly tipping has GPS enhancement so you can use your phone to show the location, you will be asked to describe the fly tipping and how large an amount.
Alternatively during office hours Monday to Friday fly tipping may be reported on 0191 520 5555. The fly tipping will be investigated and fines are levied. The Council has increased its environmental investigation team and we have an officer for Washington. His name is Andy Proudlock and his contact details are 0191 561 4579.